Volunteering for BCHFT is a great way to support your local community and healthcare organisation. It can also help to boost skills and give you experience of working for a NHS Trust.
- Support with activity groups and engagement of patients.
- Support and encourage patients to participate in group activities internally and externally.
- Co-facilitate activities run on Trust sites or in the community.
- Assist with data entry, administrative tasks, photocopying.
- Be welcoming and friendly to new patients.
- Chat with patients and form a good rapport with patients.
- Share your interests and skills with patients.
- Support patients via telephone calls.
- Encourage patients to engage with services and wellbeing activities.
- To attract and retain a diverse volunteer community which is representative of the local community it serves, particularly volunteers with lived experience.
- Volunteers will improve their wellbeing, build confidence, develop skills and get experience that can help them secure future employment.
- Volunteers could support with group activities on wards or out in the community, befriending, calling patients, admin tasks, events (eg. job fairs) and promotions, and other tasks. This will depend on the needs of the team and the skills of the volunteer.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please complete our BCHFT Volunteer Application Form.
You can also find out more information by emailing us at: bchft.volunteers@nhs.net