This service is for adults from the age of 17 -65 years old experiencing emotional distress that is impacting upon their mental health and may not be able to keep themselves safe.

There is a separate service for individuals aged 66 years and above provided by Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, however we working in close partnership with this team to ensure that assessment, treatment and pathways to mental health services are supported

The team will conduct an assessment of your needs and work with you in developing a safe and effective management plan to support your mental health difficulties. There are a number of mental health services that are available to support you. The team are able to make direct referrals to all of our services, or guide you to access voluntary or statutory agencies that may be better placed in managing your needs.

The team aim to support you in the least restrictive way, however, there may be a need to consider an admission to the acute or older adult in-patient wards.

The service will be developing in line with Core 24 with a Consultant Psychiatrist, Specialty Doctor and Principle Psychologist but currently comprises of senior mental health nurses. If a further review is required by a psychiatrist this is provided by the community medical teams.

If you have harmed yourself or experiencing suicidal thoughts, acute anxiety, depression or psychosis then the Emergency Department or ward staff can make a referral to the team.

Access to the service can be made by any professional who has direct links with all healthcare teams at Walsall Manor Hospital.

Walsall Mental Health Liaison Service

The service is 24 hours.

Dorothy Pattison Hospital



Telephone: 01922 607960

Working in partnership with Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust (WHT).