There can be lots of misunderstandings around psychosis which can lead to stigma around the condition. Here are some facts and figures to help dispel some of the myths and aid understanding.

  • 1 in 4 people experience mental health problems in their life and 3% experience psychotic symptoms.
  • Violence is not a psychotic symptom. Those experiencing psychosis are more likely to be at risk from others than a risk to others.
  • We aim to look after our patients in the community as hospital is not always the most appropriate way to receive care for psychosis.
  • People with psychosis have a variety of different life situations. For example we look after many parents and soon to be parents.
  • Language is important. For example, ‘psycho’ is short for psychopath, not psychosis. They are completely different conditions and not related.
  • People who have experience psychosis can and do work and return to education. We have looked after people working in a variety of professions, or who have gone on to train after diagnosis.
  • Lots of people do recover from psychosis. We aim to work with you to promote recovery and get you back to where you want to be.