People who use health services in the Wolverhampton are being urged to have their say on proposals for a wellbeing hub the Mander Shopping Centre.

A Covid-19 vaccination centre has been in use at the centre for the past 18 months, providing a bookable and walk-in service for adults and children.

With Covid-19 vaccination centres across the country set to be closed down, NHS chiefs and Wolverhampton City Council are proposing that the site at the Mander Centre remains open as a wellbeing hub for local residents.

The hub would offer a range of health and wellbeing services for residents in a convenient central location.

Wolverhampton City Council have launched a consultation survey to gather the views of residents to help shape the future of the site.

The questionnaire takes a few minutes to complete and can be found at the following link before it closes on 19 December: ​​​​​​