Here you will find links to organisations that you can talk to about your mental health

Mind - 0300 123 3393 -

Sane - 0845 767 8000 -

Rethink - 0300 5000 927 -

Call NHS 111 and selection Option 2 or text 07860 025 281.

Black Country resources and support

Anxiety UK  - national charity helping people struggling with anxiety

Campaign Against Living Miserably - a national suicide prevention charity

Samaritans - a national charity offering support during crisis or prevention of crisis

Mood Gym - online cognitive behavioural therapy

NHS advice - general advice around your mental health

Wysa app - wellbeing app to help young people with feelings of stress, anxiety, low mood and much more.

Young Minds - national charity supporting young people with their mental health

ADHD foundation information booklets - ADHD information resources for children and adults

Mind useful contacts - list of useful contacts for 11 -18 year old's