Our Black Country communities are truly at the heart of The Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF) and we need help from community organisations, advocates and community members to help us make the change we need to. There will be different ways to get involved. 

We want to know what is most important to people. What would make the biggest difference to them feeling like services are helping them?

We need your help.

Are there people in our Black Country communities in Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton who you could talk to and get feedback from?

We want to hear from: people who have experienced mental health services (in hospital and in the community); people who may not have accessed services but have lived experience of mental health; families, carers and advocates; and members of the public.

What we would like you to do...

  • Talk to at least five people and get their feedback
  • We have a set of questions that you can use to help the conversation (they are in the guidance pack)
  • Capture their feedback (there are a variety of ways to do this described on page two of the guidance pack - we want to make it as easy as possible)
  • Share this feedback with us so we can use it to develop the PCREF action plan

There is funding available to support this. If you have any questions, please email bchft.pcref@nhs.net